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Company Profile

BKR has been committed to constant innovation.
we look for simplicity in action and sustainability in practice to make ourselves as a expert to offer you valuable solutions on laptop/PC interface expansion.

BKR has always been sought to maximize the lifetime and pursue the best performance for the Laptop/PC/Smart devices. Since 2014 BKR has been working to concentrate on the USB adapter product design and research with our own brand name magBac. 7 series of USB C Hubs/Adapters which are compatible and universal to full-featured USB C ported laptops/PC/ other devices support DP Alt mode (allows a USB C equipped Laptop to connect directly to an external display or monitor).

Our logo “magBac“ was registered in China, Japan, Europe, and meanwhile in United States of America.

BKR believes that taking full advantage of Laptop potential is not only the right thing to do for business, it also makes good economic sense in laptop using. BKR has been committed to constant innovation and has worked tirelessly to build sustainable practices into all ways of the laptop/PC interface connection and extending operations. What we are doing is, with careful planning and continuous team effort, making converting and expansion of Laptop interfaces to be synonymous with brand new creation and purchasing.

By the trend of USB C Port, the more techniques on USB C Hubs will be developed and adopted, the more interface expansion function will be need for smart devices. BKR will be focusing on the docking station design and research. Our outlook is to the long term, and in everything we do, we look for simplicity in action and sustainability in practice to make ourselves as an expert to offer you valuable solutions on laptop/PC interface expansion.